فهرست مطالب

فصلنامه جغرافیا
پیاپی 70 (پاییز 1400)

  • تاریخ انتشار: 1400/09/24
  • تعداد عناوین: 9
  • الهام فلاحتکار، نصرالله مولایی هشجین*، محمد باسط قریشی، اکبر معتمدی مهر صفحات 1-19

    تبیین عملکرد تعاونی های تولید کشاورزی در توسعه روستاهای شهرستان ساوجبلاغ بود بعنوان هدف اصلی پژوهش در نظر گرفته شد. برای انجام این تحقیق از روش توصیفی تحلیلی استفاده شد. جامعه آماری شامل «روستاییان عضو تعاونی و مدیران تعاونی» به تعداد 708 نفر بود. حجم نمونه ها برای نظرسنجی با ابزار پرسشنامه بر اساس روش کوکران، 250 نمونه برآورد شد. این تحقیق بصورت مطالعه موردی در 28 روستای برخوردار از شرکت تعاونی در انجام پذیرفت. روش تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها، استفاده از آمار کیفی (محاسبه فراوانی، درصد فراوانی، میانگین وزنی و انحراف از معیار گویه های پرسشنامه) و استفاده از آمار استنباطی (انجام آزمون آماری خی دو برای آزمون فرضیه های تحقیق و انجام آزمون ویلکاکسون برای مقایسه نتایج بدست آمده از نظرسنجی ها در مورد عملکرد تعاونی های تولید کشاورزی در قبل و بعد از تاسیس) بوده است. قلمرو مکانی تحقیق روستاهای برخوردار از شرکت تعاونی در شهرستان ساوجبلاغ استان البرز بودند. تعاونی تولید کشاورزی اگرچه در افزایش مشارکت، همیاری و کار گروهی روستاییان موثر بوده اند؛ اما بدلیل کسب میانگین وزنی کمتر از حد متوسط 3 در اغلب گویه های مورد بررسی، این مشارکت چندان ملموس نبوده است. براساس نتایج آزمون آماری ویلکاکسون، بخش کشاورزی در زمان بعد از تاسیس تعاونی تولید کشاورزی با شرایط مطلوب تری نسبت به زمان قبل از تاسیس مواجه بوده است. علاوه بر این، مشخص شد که مقادیر میانگین وزنی اغلب گویه های مورد بررسی در زمینه ماندگاری جمعیت روستاهای برخوردار از شرکت تعاونی کشاورزی، کمتر از حد متوسط 3 بود. لذا فعالیت این تعاونی ها در افزایش یا ماندگاری جمعیت روستاها، تاثیر زیادی نداشته است. تعاونی های کشاورزی توانایی حل مشکلات عملکردی از جمله توسعه اشتغال، تامین سرمایه و گسترش مکانیزاسیون فعالیت های بخش کشاورزی را دارند، ولی به علت ضعف اقتصادی روستا و محدویت منابع و زیرساخت ها در این نقاط، عملکرد چندان قابل قبولی نداشته اند.

    کلیدواژگان: شرکت های تعاونی کشاورزی، مشارکت، تولیدات کشاورزی، ماندگاری جمعیت، نواحی روستایی ساوجبلاغ
  • فتح الله نادری، صمد فتوحی*، حسین نگارش، مرضیه خلیلی صفحات 21-41

    اولویت بندی ریسک و خطر زمین لرزه در مناطق مختلف یکی از راهکارهای مدیریت بحران در جهت مواجه شدن با پدیده زمین لرزه محسوب می شود. بر این اساس مناطق مختلف تحت پوشش زمین لرزه سرپل ذهاب از نظر ریسک زمین لرزه بر اساس مدل الکتره مورد اولویت بندی قرار گرفت. معیارهای مورد نظر جهت اولویت بندی شامل سن سنگ شناسی، فاصله از گسل، شیب، ارتفاع، بارش، فاصله از رودخانه، فاصله از جاده و کاربری اراضی می باشد. وزن معیارها بر اساس مدل سلسله مراتبی به دست آمد. روش تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها هم به صورت کمی و به صورت ماتریس کارایی ارایه گردید. با تلفیق لایه ها در محیط GIS با استفاده از مدل الکتره نقشه پهنه بندی در 5 طبقه خطر تهیه شد. باتوجه به اولویت بندی مناطق از نظر پتانسیل زلزله خیزی مناطق آسیب دیده که از مدل الکتره استخراج گردید، منطقه سرپل ذهاب با بیشترین پتانسیل زلزله خیزی، اولویت اول را به خود اختصاص داده است. دلیل بالا بودن خطر زلزله خیزی این منطقه ساختار زمین شناسی منطقه، نزدیکی به گسل اصلی زاگرس است. همچنین، منطقه دالاهو و جوانرود مشترکا در اولویت دوم جای گرفته اند. دلیل اصلی پتانسیل زلزله خیزی آن هم ساختار زمین شناسی و فراوانی گسل ها و قرار گرفتن روی گسل زاگرس رورانده است. به منظور صحت سنجی مدل مورد استفاده در منطقه اقدام به انطباق نقشه ناپایداری ها با هر یک از پهنه های خطر گردید. نتایج نشان داد که از بین 38 مورد ناپایداری ژیومورفولوژیکی شناخته شده در منطقه تعداد 18 مورد در طبقه خطر خیلی زیاد و تعداد 11 مورد در طبقه خطر زیاد قرار گرفته اند که بیانگر کارایی نسبتا خوب مدل الکتره در پهنه بندی و اولویت بندی نواحی به منظور مدیریت مخاطرات محیطی دارد.

    کلیدواژگان: اولویت بندی، زلزله، سرپل ذهاب، مدل، الکتره
  • احمد اسدی، آزیتا رجبی*، غلامرضا جانبازی قبادی، محمد کمیلی صفحات 43-60

    اسکان غیررسمی به عنوان یک مشکل و یکی از جلوه های ضعف مدیریت شهری و شکل گیری بافت های ناکارآمد شهری است. پدیده است که همراه با توسعه شهرها در کشورهای پیشرفته و سپس ممالک درحال توسعه، گسترش بیشتری یافته و درحال حاضر نیز ادامه یافته است. بنابراین مطالعه در راستای ارایه راهبردهای مدیریتی سکونتگاه های غیررسمی اهمیت دارد. پژوهش حاضر نیز با هدف کاربست تکنیک MetaSwot به عنوان تکنیک راهبردی و کاربردی برای برنامه ریزی و مدیریت شهری سکونتگاه های غیر رسمی در شهر پاکدشت انجام گرفته است. پژوهش حاضر از لحاظ هدف کاردبردی و از روش به صورت توصیفی و تحلیلی است. روش جمع آوری داده ها و تحلیل آنها به صورت کتابخانه ای و پیمایشی بوده است. نتایج این پژوهش نشان داد وزن منابع و توانایی های داخلی خارجی نسبت به اوزان منابع و توانایی های منطقه به جهت افزایش کیفیت زندگی و ارایه تسهیلات جهت نوسازی و بهسازی محله به ترتیب 2.90،1.40 و 1.30 بیشترین اوزان را دارند که این نشانگر باارزش بودن ،تقلید ناپذیری و تناسب سازمانی نسبت به سایر عوامل در توسعه پایدار منطقه می باشد. همچنین نتایج متاسوات نشان داد که شهرک انقلاب چه از نظر آسیب های ساختاری و چه زمینه ای و رفتاری بیشترین آسیب را دارد. و غرب شهریار نیز کمترین آسیب را به خود اختصاص داده است.

    کلیدواژگان: برنامه ریزی راهبردی، سکونتگاه های غیر رسمی، شهر پاکدشت
  • فرشته شنبه پور، مسعود صفایی پور* صفحات 61-79

    اولین شرط برای رشد و توسعه هر جامعه ای ایجاد اشتغال است، بنابراین، در برنامه ریزی های کلان، از اهمیت چشمگیری برخوردار است. هدف از پژوهش حاضر، تحلیل شهرستان های استان کهگیلویه و بویراحمد به لحاظ برخورداری از شاخص های اشتغال شهری است. در این پژوهش که از نوع توصیفی - تحلیلی است از داده های سالنامه آماری 1396 استان کهگیلویه و بویراحمد بهره گرفته شده است. وضعیت 8 شهرستان استان به لحاظ برخورداری از شاخص های اشتغال با استفاده از روش های تصمیم گیری آنتروپی و مورا و کریتیک ارزیابی شده است. نتایج، گویای آن است که شهرستان بویراحمد نسبت به سایر شهرستان های استان با اختلاف در رتبه اول قرار گرفته و در سه بخش اقتصاد از وضعیت مطلوب تری برخوردار است. و بر اساس اولویت بندی شاخص های پژوهش با استفاده از روش کریتیک، شاخص اقتصادی در رتبه اول قرار گرفته است. سپس سطح توسعه یافتگی شهرستان های استان کهگیلویه و بویراحمد به لحاظ شاخص های اشتغال با استفاده از ضریب ناموزون موریس به چهار سطح برخوردار، نیمه برخوردار، متوسط و محروم تقسیم شده است. با توجه به نتایج به دست آمده از مدل موریس از 8 شهرستان استان کهگیلویه و بویراحمد، شهرستان بویراحمد نسبت به سایر شهرستان های استان از وضعیت مطلوب تری برخوردار است و در سطح برخوردار قرار گرفته است، شهرستان کهگیلویه در سطح نیمه برخوردار، دو شهرستان (گچساران و دنا)، در سطح متوسط و 4 شهرستان (بهمیی، چرام، باشت، لنده) از لحاظ شاخص های اشتغال در سه بخش کشاورزی، صنعت، خدمات در سطح محروم قرار دارند. نتایج نشان می دهد که بین شهرستان های استان کهگیلویه و بویراحمد به لحاظ برخورداری از شاخص های اشتغال تفاوت وجود دارد و بر اساس شاخص های اشتغال و امکانات در سه بخش کشاورزی، صنعت و خدمات، وضعیت اشتغال در شهرستان های استان یکسان نیست.

    کلیدواژگان: اشتغال، مدل مورا، مدل کریتیک، استان کهگیلویه و بویراحمد
  • محمود اکبری*، رضا التیامی نیا صفحات 81-96

    رشد و توسعه شتابان و بی رویه شهرنشینی مسایل و معضلات متعددی از جمله بحران کیفیت زندگی و رفاه را فراروی کشورهای مختلف به ویژه کشورهای در حال توسعه و ایران قرار داده است. پرداختن به رفاه در راستای بسط عدالت اجتماعی از اهداف عمده دولت ها و از مسایل محوری برنامه های اقتصادی- اجتماعی محسوب می شود. پژوهش حاضر با استفاده از شاخص آمارتیا سن و با هدف تحلیل عوامل هزینه ای موثر بر کیفیت زندگی و رفاه در مادرشهرهای ایران انجام شده است و ماهیت کمی داشته است. جامعه آماری پژوهش را پنج شهر بزرگ کشور به ترتیب جمعیت آنها یعنی تهران، مشهد، اصفهان، کرج و شیراز تشکیل می دهند. داده های مورد مطالعه را هزینه های مواد خوراکی و دخانی؛ هزینه های پوشاک و کفش؛ هزینه های مسکن؛ هزینه های لوازم و اثاث و خدمات مورد استفاده خانوار؛ هزینه های بهداشت و درمان؛ هزینه های حمل و نقل؛ هزینه های تفریحات و خدمات فرهنگی خانوارها و هزینه های کالاها و خدمات متفرقه تشکیل می دهند. نتایج مطالعه در کلانشهر تهران نشان می دهد که گروه مسکن، آب، سوخت و روشنایی منزل مسکونی بیش از سایر گروه ها رفاه خانوار را تحت تاثیر قرار داده است. هزینه های مواد خوراکی و دخانی پس از گروه مسکن بیشترین تاثیر را بر رفاه گذاشته است. از این حیث هزینه های لوازم و اثاث و خدمات مورد استفاده خانوار در رتبه آخر قرار گرفته است. نتایج به کارگیری شاخص سن در مادرشهرهای ایران نشان می دهد که در تهران، مشهد، اصفهان، کرج و شیراز هزینه های مسکن بیش از سایر بخش ها رفاه را تحت تاثیر قرار داده است.

    کلیدواژگان: هزینه، رفاه، کیفیت زندگی، مادرشهر، ایران
  • حمیدرضا امانی، بختیار عزت پناه*، مجید شمس صفحات 97-118

    امروزه، به دنبال گسترش شهرنشینی و مهاجرت های بی رویه به این نقاط، مسئله آسیب پذیری و تاب آوری مراکز ویژه، حیاتی و حساس از اهمیت دوچندانی برخوردار شده است. در واقع، این مراکز در حکم شریان های مهم بدنه هر سرزمین محسوب می شوند که می توانند کارکرد ملی یا فراملی داشته باشند. از این رو، رویکرد پدافند غیرعامل به منظور افزایش تاب آوری این مراکز و به طور کلی نقاط شهری مهم مطرح شده است. برهمین اساس، هدف پژوهش حاضر شناسایی عوامل اصلی موثر بر تاب آوری مراکز ویژه، حیاتی و حساس مبتنی بر پدافند غیرعامل و سپس تحلیل میزان تاثیر هر یک از عوامل بر مراکز ویژه، حیاتی و حساس منطقه 11 تهران می باشد. روش تحقیق پژوهش توصیفی - تحلیلی است و برای شناسایی عوامل اصلی ادبیات پژوهش و مبانی نظری مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. در نهایت معیارهای اصلی مطابق با نظرات صاحبنظران امر استخراج گردید. جامعه آماری پژوهش شامل متخصصان جغرافیا و برنامه ریزی شهری با توجه به زمینه تخصصی تحقیق است که با استفاده از نرم افزار Sample Power   اقدام به برآورد حجم نمونه آماری گردید. سپس برای تحلیل  میزان تاثیر هر کدام از عوامل شناسایی شده از نرم افزار Smart PLS  بهره گرفته شد. در نهایت، یافته های حاصل از تحلیل داده ها، نشان دهنده آن است که عوامل مکان یابی و چند عملکردی (826/0)؛ پراکندگی، تفرقه و جابه جایی (708/0)؛ استحکامات و سازه های امن (582/0)؛ دسترسی (513/0)؛ استتار و فریب (490/0)؛ اختفاء و پوشش (410/0)؛ و اعلام خبر (175/0) به ترتیب دارای بیشترین تاثیر بر تاب آوری مراکز ویژه حیاتی و حساس منطقه می باشند. از طرفی تاب آوری اقتصادی (819/0)؛ اجتماعی (767/0)؛  کالبدی-محیطی (607/0)؛  و نهادی-مدیریتی (594/0) نیز به ترتیب از اصلی ترین پیامدهای تاب آوری این مراکز است.

    کلیدواژگان: تاب آوری، مراکز ویژه حیاتی و حساس، پدافند غیرعامل، منطقه 11 کلان شهر تهران، Smart-PLS
  • محسن اسلامی آکندی، مریم ایلانلو*، لیلا ابراهیمی، کیا بزرگمهر صفحات 119-134

    در عصر حاضر که با خصیصه های عدم قطعیت، نوآوری و پیچیدگی مسایل شناخته می شود، نظام برنامه ریزی سنتی با چالش های متنوعی مواجه است. یکی از ضعف های نظام برنامه ریزی منطقه ای رایج، عدم شناسایی، تحلیل و به کارگیری عوامل کلیدی توسعه منطقه است. هدف اصلی این پژوهش تحلیل استراتژیک ظرفیت های توسعه منطقه ای استان مازندران بر اساس چارچوب نظری توسعه منطقه ای در ابعاد اقتصادی، اجتماعی، زیربنایی و مدیریتی، طبیعی، ساختار سکونتگاه و پیوندها است. در این راستا ابتدا با سنجش محیط داخلی و محیط خارجی، فهرستی از نقاط قوت، ضعف، فرصت ها و تهدیدهای مطرح در این شش حوزه برای توسعه ی استان تهیه، سپس با نظر سنجی از کارشناسان و متخصصان استان مازندران، اقدام به وزن دهی به هر یک از آنها شد. در نهایت با محاسبه و تحلیل آنها، اولویت ها مشخص گردید. براساس نتایج به دست آمده 240 نقطه قوت، ضعف فرصت و تهدید در استان شناسایی شد که در نهایت 40 نقطه به عنوان عوامل اصلی توسعه در استان مازندران انتخاب شدند. بدین ترتیب تولید ناخالص ملی با وزن 36/0 مهمترین نقطه قوت منطقه و عدم تعادل اکولوژیک در تمامی گستره ی استان با وزن 46/0 مهمترین نقطه ضعف استان می باشد. همچنین ایجاد رسانه های جمعی مناسب در سطح ملی و منطقه ای با وزن 32/0 مهم ترین نقطه فرصت و ضعف حمل و نقل و ارتباط ضعیف پیوند فراملی هر کدام با وزن 36/0 مهم ترین تهدید منطقه محسوب می شوند.

    کلیدواژگان: توسعه منطقه ای، عوامل خارجی، عوامل داخلی، راهبرد، استان مازندران
  • غلامرضا سروشان، پروانه زیویار*، عبدالله هندیانی، علی توکلان صفحات 135-151

    مشکلات ناشی از رشد سریع شهرنشینی در کشور عدم امکان مدیریت جامعه شهری با ابزارها و شیوه های سنتی ، ضرورت تغییر در شیوه مدیریت شهرها را دو چندان کرده است. این تغییر با استفاده از رویکرد حکمروایی مطلوب شهری قابل تحقق است. پژوهش حاضر از نظر هدف کاربردی و از نظر روش توصیفی تحلیلی است. در این پژوهش به منظور گردآوری داده ها و اطلاعات از روش کتابخانه ای و میدانی استفاده شد. جامعه آماری پژوهش را شهروندان ساکن در شهر تهران و کارشناسان و متخصصین تشکیل می دهند. براساس آخرین سرشماری انجام گرفته در سال 1395 حجم جامعه آماری مربوط به شهروندان برابر با 8,679,936 نفر می باشد. حجم نمونه آماری برای شهروندان با استفاده از فرمول کوکران 384 نفر و برای متخصصین 60 نفر برآورد گردید. یافته های حاصل از این پژوهش حاکی از آن است مقدار میانگین بدست آمده برای وضعیت حکمروایی شهری به صورت کلی برابر با 75/2، که بیانگر وضعیت نامطلوب حکمروایی شهری در کلانشهر تهران است. از بین مولفه های حکمروایی شهری مولفه اجماع محوری با میانگین 76/2 دارای بیشترین میانگین و مولفه مسئولیت پذیری با میانگین 71/2 دارای کمترین میانگین است. در ارتباط با حکمروایی شهری و شاخص های آن از دیدگاه کارشناسان مقدار میانگین کلی برابر با 23/2 و از دیدگاه مردم برابر با 22/2 است و با عنایت به سطح معناداری محاسبه شده که برابر با 974/0 از دیدگاه این دو گروه تفاوت معناداری وجود ندارد. از دیگر یافته های حاصل شده در این پژوهش از میان مولفه های تشکیل دهنده حکمروایی شهری، مولفه مشارکت با ضریب مسیر 263/0 دارای بیشترین تاثیر بر پیاده سازی حکمروایی شهری و در رتبه اول قرار می گیرد. مولفه های کارایی واثربخشی، حاکمیت قانون و مسئولیت پذیری به ترتیب با ضریب مسیر182/0، 175/0 و 172/0 در رتبه های دوم الی چهارم، و مولفه پاسخگویی با ضریب مسیر 084/0 در پایین ترین سطح و در رتبه آخر (هشتم) قرار گرفته است.

    کلیدواژگان: حکمروایی شهری، مشارکت، مسئولیت پذیری، تهران
  • محمدابراهیم عفیفی* صفحات 153-172

    خشکسالی دوره کم آبی است که طی آن یک منطقه با کمبود در ذخیره و منابع آبی مواجه است . یکی از روش های مطالعه خشکسالی و اثرات مخرب آن، پایش و پهنه بندی خشکسالی با استفاده از شاخص های هواشناسی و تکنیک های سنجش از راه دور می باشد. خشکسالی جزیی از ویژگی های سیستم آب و هواست که بدون هیچ اخطار و بدون توجه به مرزهای جغرافیایی و با تفاوت های اقتصادی و سیاسی هرسال رخ می دهد. هدف این تحقیق، پایش تغییرات پوشش گیاهی در اثر خشکسالی در حوضه آبریز درودزن است. روش شدت های خشکسالی با استفاده از شاخص های خشکسالی SPI سالانه توسط داده های بارندگی ایستگاه های هواشناسی تعیین شد. در این تحقیق شاخص خشکسالی SPI در دوره های کوتاه مدت یک و سه ماهه و دوره سالانه برای سه ایستگاه شیراز، اقلید و درودزن بررسی شد. پایش تغییرات پوشش گیاهی در اثر خشکسالی بین بازه زمانی 1990 تا 2015 با استفاده از تصاویر MODIS مطالعه شد. این تصاویر ماهواره ای در فریم h22v6 کشور ایران قرار دارد و در مرحله بعد بر اساس تصاویر گرفته شده از MODIS در ماه های اکتبر، اگوست و سپتامبر شاخص نرمال شده اختلاف پوشش گیاهی (NDVI) محاسبه شد و سپس همبستگی بین شاخص های هواشناسی و پوشش گیاهی در طی دوره آماری برای سال های خشک و تر گرفته شد. نتیجه اینکه شاخص (NDVI) به تغییرات خشکسالی و اقلیمی بیشترین همبستگی را با ایستگاه درودزن داشته است.

    کلیدواژگان: NDVI، SPIT، MODIS، درودزن
  • Elham Flahatkar, Nasrolah Molaei Hashjin *, Mohammadbaset Ghoreyshi, Akbar Motamedi Mehr Pages 1-19

    Agricultural production cooperatives are an appropriate approach to achieve economic and social development and the realization of social justice. These companies are a good tool for improving agricultural conditions in terms of redistributing the benefits of agricultural sector growth, increasing job opportunities, developing people's participation, paying attention to rural women, lowering investment risk in agriculture, reducing production costs, and others
    Explaining the performance of agricultural production cooperatives in the development of villages in Savojbolagh city was considered as the main goal of the study.


    Descriptive-analytical method was used to conduct this research. The statistical population included 708 cooperative villagers and cooperative managers. The sample size was estimated to be 250 for the survey using a questionnaire based on the Cochran method. This study was conducted as a case study in 28 villages with cooperatives. Data analysis method was the use of qualitative statistics (calculation of frequency, frequency percentage, weight average and deviation from the criteria of the questionnaire items) and the use of inferential statistics (chi-square test to test research hypotheses and Wilcoxon test to compare the results obtained from Surveys have been on the performance of agricultural production cooperatives before and after their establishment). The research area was villages with cooperative companies in Savojbolagh County of Alborz province.

    Results and discussion

    Agricultural production cooperatives, however, have been effective in increasing the participation, cooperation and teamwork of the villagers; However, due to the fact that the weight average was below the average in most of the items studied, this participation was not very tangible. According to the results of the Wilcoxon statistical test, the agricultural sector in the time after the establishment of the agricultural production cooperative was faced with more favorable conditions than before the establishment. In addition, it was found that the mean weighted values ​​of most of the items studied in the field of survival of the population of villages with agricultural cooperatives were less than the average of 3. Therefore, the activities of these cooperatives have not had much effect on increasing or maintaining the rural population.


    Agricultural cooperatives have the ability to solve operational problems such as employment development, financing and expansion of mechanization of agricultural activities, but due to the economic weakness of the village and the limited resources and infrastructure in these areas, they have not had acceptable performance.

    Keywords: Agricultural cooperatives, Participation, Agricultural Production, Population Survival, Savojbolagh Rural Areas
  • Fathollah Naderi, Samad Fotoohi *, Hossein Negarash, Marzieh Khalili Pages 21-41

    The Sarpol-e-Zahab earthquake with a magnitude of 7.3 occurred at 21:48 local time on November 12, 2017 near the city of Ozgeleh-e-Sarpol-e-Zahab in Kermanshah province in northwestern Iran. The earthquake destroyed large parts of the city of Sarpol-e Zahab and many surrounding towns and villages. The magnitude of the earthquake was so great that it was felt up to hundreds of kilometers from the epicenter (even in Tehran). The region affected by the Sarpol-e Zahab earthquake is very prone to the occurrence of various geological and geotechnical instabilities such as landslides and rock falls. The reasons for this talent are the existence of young folds in the Zagros Mountains along with the operation of the faults that cut these mountains, which have caused severe fractures in the region. On the other hand, the sequence of hard and loose layers of geological formations has predisposed many of these areas to slip hard layers on the loose lower layers due to the loss of the heel of the slopes, due to river leaching and construction operations. Also, rich groundwater resources in the mountains of the region have increased the potential for slope instabilities. Another important aspect of earthquake research is the study of factors affecting earthquakes, such as the type of materials that make up the earth's bed, the impact of geological structures such as faults and fractures, and slopes. . . Are. Another aspect of research is to study the geological and geomorphological consequences of earthquakes such as Landslides, Rockslides, Landslides and Rises, etc. in order to manage the crisis and assess the damage caused by them. Therefore, the main issue in this study is the exposure of the study area to two main issues, namely the damage caused by the earthquake itself and the other effects, phenomena and geomorphological evidence that came after the main earthquake. Therefore, accurate identification of areas in terms of seismicity and potential for seismicity is necessary in order to manage and plan it. The main purpose of this study, taking into account the results of this research and also the characteristics affecting the occurrence of earthquake, in the study area, the ELECTERE technique has been used to prioritize different areas covered by the Sarpol-e-Zahab earthquake. Therefore, by using multi-criteria decision-making techniques, it is possible to consider various quantitative and qualitative criteria and use the results of expert opinions in weighting the criteria, in which case the final decision will be more consistent with the real conditions in nature.


    In order to monitor and study the geomorphological phenomena related to the Ozgeleh earthquake from the herd, visits were made in several stages of the affected areas. Also, some available documents and published reports and media sources were reviewed during this period. Due to the nature of the subject, the research method is citation, experimental and field observations and descriptive-analytical. The required data were collected in a library manner. Methods of data collection in this research include library study, collection of reports published by the Seismological Research Institute affiliated to the International Institute of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, observations and field visits. According to the objectives of the study, the effective factors in geomorphological instabilities including lithological age, distance from the fault, slope, altitude, precipitation, distance from the river, distance from the road and land use were selected. To prepare geological age layers and distance from faults from geological maps prepared by the Geological Survey of Iran, from topographic map to prepare slope layers, distance from road, distance from river and altitude, to prepare climate map from statistics Precipitation of synoptic stations, for the preparation of soil layers and land use, the land use map prepared by the Forests and Rangelands Organization has been used. All 9 layers were prepared in GIS environment.

    Results and discussion

    In this study, geomorphological instabilities resulting from Ozgeleh earthquakes in Kermanshah and Ilam were analyzed using the multi-characteristic ELECTERE decision method. The region affected by this earthquake has a high potential for the occurrence of various movements and geomorphological and amplitude instabilities. The first step in this research is to identify various forms of instability such as landslides, rock falls and avalanches, currents, ruptures of hills and landslides that lead to road blockages, destruction of residential houses and ... In the second stage, the identification of various factors affecting the intensification of instabilities includes lithological age, distance from the fault, slope, altitude, precipitation, distance from the river, distance from the road and land use. Finally, the implementation of the area prioritization model is based on the ELECTERE model.


    The results showed that among the factors affecting the occurrence of instabilities, geological age factors, distance from faults and slopes have the most impact and soil and land use factors have the least impact on creating instabilities in the region. Considering the prioritization of regions in terms of seismic potential that was extracted from the ELECTERE model, Sarpol-e-Zahab region with the highest seismic potential, which is located in the relative seismic hazard classification in the hazard class, has the first priority. The reason for the high seismic risk of this region is the geological structure of the region, its proximity to the main Zagros fault. Also, Dalahou and Javanroud regions are in the second priority by being in the high risk category. The main reason for its seismic potential is the geological structure and frequency of faults and its location on the Zagros fault. In order to validate the model used in the study area, instabilities including landslides, rock falls and avalanches, liquefaction, rupture of hills, flow and mud materials were adapted to each of the danger zones. The results of this adaptation showed that out of 38 known geomorphological instabilities in the region, 18 were in the very high risk category, 11 were in the high risk category, 6 were in the medium risk category and 3 were in the low risk category. have taken. The results of validation of geomorphological instabilities with the zoning map of relative earthquake risk and also compliance with study areas (7 areas) indicate the relatively good performance of the ELECTERE model in zoning and prioritization of areas in study areas. Using this method with similar areas can provide acceptable results.

    Keywords: Prioritization, Earthquake, Sarpolzahab, model, Electra
  • Ahmad Asadi, Azita Rajabi *, Gholamreza Janbazi Ghobadi, Mohammad Komili Pages 43-60

    The physical growth of cities along with the rapid growth of urban population and the inability of city managers to meet the needs of this population - which is due to unpreparedness to face this situation - is the starting point for various inequalities. The existence of these inequalities has led to the formation of informal settlements. Pakdasht is one of the satellite cities of Tehran due to its proximity to Tehran, low housing prices and the presence of industrial towns around it as an immigrant hub of the metropolis of Tehran and other immigrants in the country, which has accommodated countless poor rural immigrants. And has led to adverse consequences such as rising unemployment, inadequacies in providing services to the growing population, increasing anomalies and poverty. In this research, with accurate knowledge of informal settlements in Pakdasht, practical strategies in this field are presented. The purpose of this study is to investigate and analyze quantitative indicators in informal settlements of Pakdasht, identify the harms of urban management and its impact on the formation and growth of informal settlements, evaluate the resources and capabilities of urban management and finally provide urban management strategies to empower and organize these settlements. . Then the order of imitation, irreplaceability, value and scarcity of the study area is explained. In this regard, an attempt has been made to answer the following question. What are the management strategies for informal settlements in Pakdasht?


    The present study is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical method. The collection of information and data was in the form of documents-libraries. In such a way that the studies related to the theoretical foundations of the documentary method and the data related to the findings, the questionnaire tool has been used. The statistical population of the study is a group of experts from which 30 people who were familiar with the environment and the subject and have studied in this regard were selected by available means. The criterion for selecting this number was theoretical saturation. The data analysis method was Meta - SWOT method.

    Results and discussion

    All inputs of this study are based on objectives such as reducing the vulnerability of informal settlements in Pakdasht, managing informal settlements with high priority, and providing optimal strategies with medium priority. In the next step, key factors such as correlation between physical, social and security indicators, responsibility of residents and officials in maintaining urban spaces, financial management system in informal settlements, public participation, social cohesion for the success of urban management in informal settlements were identified. Then, it was determined what is the situation of urban development management factors in Pakdasht city in terms of the proposed indicators compared to the city under study. Five levels of much lower, lower, almost equal, higher and much higher were used to make these comparisons. In this regard, 5 informal settlements of Enghelab town, Hesar Amir, Vosat alley, Zeinabieh and west of Ustad Shahriyar were compared. Urban management injuries have been identified for informal settlements in Pakdasht. Due to the non-uniform weight of the identified targets, based on the opinions of experts and specialists in the field of pathology of informal settlements, they were prioritized based on the importance at three levels (high, medium and low). Finally, effective environmental factors outside the control of urban management were identified. These factors include the large volume of passing traffic and heavy vehicles, the lack of serious urban services, economic poverty, unemployment, the existence of informal economic activities, the fragmentation of urban society, the existence of various subcultures and cultural and social backwardness and illiteracy, marginalized face and functions. City, urban burnout, acceleration of growth in the absence of a targeted program, polarization of Pakdasht urban society and rising housing prices and the cost of living. Based on these factors, the strategic fit and the fit of resources and capabilities with the goals of urban management was done. Finally, according to the decisions and output of the software, a strategic map was drawn.


    Since informal settlement is ultimately a local issue, the municipality, as a non-governmental institution and the highest and most important source of urban management, will play a major role in the process of presenting strategies and empowering informal settlements. Therefore, municipalities should take different initiatives from the past to make the best use of the participation and internal resources of these communities. The presence of more than 20% of the population of Pakdasht city in informal areas and its rapid growth is a warning to the officials and their serious concern for this issue. Addressing the current difficulties of these neighborhoods at the same time as anticipating future problems arising from their growth is essential, which requires special and comprehensive measures, different from the current routine. These measures, due to their nature, on the one hand must be done in an integrated and multidisciplinary manner in the physical environment, and on the other hand must be accompanied by physical measures and even before them, socio-economic programs for these communities. Such a comprehensive and all-out solution requires the alignment and cooperation of the relevant agencies. In connection with dealing with informal settlement, various policies and strategies from acceptance and recognition to their cleansing and destruction have been experienced, and in recent years in various countries, including our country, the solution of empowerment, institutionalization has been considered.

    Keywords: Strategic planning, informal settlements, Pakdasht city
  • Fereshteh Shanbehpoor, Masoud Safaeipour * Pages 61-79

    Employment and unemployment are among the most important issues that must be considered to create a prosperous society because the first condition for the growth and development of any society is job creation, so it is of great importance in macro-planning. The debate over employment and its complexities in today's fast-paced world has attracted the attention of many policymakers, government officials, and experts. In many cases, however, the issue of employment is ignored in urban development strategies. This is partly due to the intangibility of the informal urban economy, which includes the bulk of employment in developing countries. Today, the role of employment in the dynamics of urban life is not hidden from anyone. Unemployment and its problems have formed one of the most complex issues of the day in urban planning, and this problem, in addition to economic consequences, has negative social, cultural, environmental, and security consequences that affect all aspects of urban planning. Therefore, it can be said that many problems of urban communities are rooted in the pathology structure of their employment. Kohgiluyeh and BoyerAhmad provinces have high economic potentials, and if we pay attention to these potentials, the problem of youth unemployment in this region will be easily solved. According to the latest statistics, the unemployment rate in Kohgiluyeh and BoyerAhmad is very high, so the high unemployment rate in Kohgiluyeh and BoyerAhmad Province, while this province has rich oil and gas resources. ​However, according to the official statistics, this province is in the third place in terms of employment ratio after Sistan and Baluchestan and Qom provinces in terms of the lowest employment, which if the investment in different economic sectors is considered, this province may It can be considered as one of the active provinces in the employment sector. On the other hand, many differences are due to the imbalance of economic facilities and economic and cultural conditions that lead to migration, spatial inequalities of capital and welfare, educational and health facilities, which has increased the development gap between regions. Therefore, the research problem arises from the fact that it seems that the distribution of job opportunities in different regions of Kohgiluyeh and BoyerAhmad provinces does not follow a favorable pattern, and this has affected the spatial balance in this area


    According to the studied components and the nature of the subject, the present study is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of methodology and is quantitative research. In this research, the data of the statistical yearbook of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad provinces in 1396 have been used and 3 economic indicators (agriculture/fisheries, industry/mining, services) have been used. The most important urban employment indicators have been determined and then based on the indicators, the situation of 8 cities of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad provinces in terms of employment indicators has been evaluated using the MOORA method and using the CRITIC model. The indicators are prioritized. Also, to determine the development levels of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad provinces, the Morris model has been used. The province is ranked in terms of urban employment based on the level of development.

    Results and discussion

    In this research, an attempt was made to rank and determine the level of development of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmad cities by using a set of urban employment indicators. The number of indicators is a subset of three economic sectors (agriculture, industry, services), which have been ranked and analyzed using the MOORA multi-criteria decision-making technique. First, the most important employment indicators were determined. Then, the situation of the 8 cities of Kohgiluyeh and BoyerAhmad provinces in terms of employment indicators has been evaluated using entropy methods and Mora decision making. The results showed that Boyer-Ahmad city has a more favorable situation than other cities of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad provinces in three sectors of the economy (agriculture, industry, services). The results of the Moora technique showed that there is a big difference between the cities of the province in terms of employment indicators. Boyer-Ahmad city is in the first rank compared to other cities of the province and has the highest rank in all employment indicators, followed by Kohgiluyeh and Gachsaran cities. The third rank in relation to employment and unemployment belongs to a number of cities in the province such as Dena, Bahmaei, Choram, Basht, and Lendeh. The mentioned cities do not have suitable conditions in terms of employment. According to the results, it can be acknowledged that there are regional and spatial imbalances in Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad provinces. Then, the research indicators were prioritized using the CRITIC method and the results showed that the agricultural index was in the first place in the effectiveness of employment indicators. Then, the level of development of Kohgiluyeh and BoyerAhmad provinces was divided into four levels in terms of employment indicators using the Morris coefficient. The results showed that out of 8 cities of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad provinces, Boyer-Ahmad city in (three sectors of agriculture, industry, services) has a more favorable situation than other cities in the province and is at a desirable level. Kohgiluyeh city is located on the second level. Two cities (Gachsaran and Dena) are in the middle level and 4 cities (Bahmaei, Charam, Basht, Lande) are deprived in terms of employment index in three sectors: agriculture, industry and services.


    The results showed that there is a difference between the cities of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad provinces in terms of employment status. The level of employment in Boyer-Ahmad city, which is also the political center of the province, is more favorable than in other cities in the province.

    Keywords: employment, MOORA, CRITIC, Kohgiluyeh, and Boyer-Ahmad Province
  • Mahmood Akbari *, Reza Eltiyami Pages 81-96

    Cities face a number of problems that undermine the quality of urban life, social inequalities, urban crime, poor environment, and traffic congestion (Psatha, 2015: 2). The rapid growth and expansion of urbanization and urbanization of the world has created many problems and difficulties in different countries of the world, especially in developing countries. Cities in these countries are facing the spread of various social anomalies, housing shortages, the spread of suburbanization and informal settlement, all kinds of pollution and environmental crises, spatial inequality, reduced quality of life and welfare, and so on. In recent decades, the literature on measuring inequality has increased significantly (Mussard & Xu, 2004: 201). One of the important suggestions in the field of measuring poverty and welfare by age (1976) has been presented. The age index is a suitable model for applied research (Mussard & Xu, 2004: 201). Measurement of poverty has been active in research since Amartia Sen proposed an obvious approach to welfare research in 1976 (Xu & osberg, 2000: 2). The aim of this study was to analyze the cost factors affecting quality of life and well-being in Iranian metropolises. Using the quantitative age index and taking into account the variables of food and tobacco costs, clothing and footwear costs, housing costs, water, fuel and lighting of a residential house, costs of accessories and furniture and services Household use, health care costs, transportation and communication costs, entertainment and cultural services costs of households and costs of miscellaneous goods and services in the metropolises of Tehran, Mashhad, Isfahan, Karaj and Shiraz to evaluate the effective factors The quality of life and welfare in these metropolises should be addressed. The research sought to answer the question of which of the cost-effective factors on quality of life and well-being in the studied metropolises had the greatest effect.


    The research has a quantitative-analytical nature and the statistical population of the research consists of the first five metropolises of Iran in terms of their population. The studied variables are the official data of the first group (food and tobacco costs); The second group (clothing and footwear costs); The third group (housing, water, fuel and lighting costs of a residential house); Fourth group (costs of furniture and services used by households); Group 5 (health care costs); Group 6 (transportation and communications costs); The seventh group (the cost of entertainment, entertainment and household cultural services) and the eighth group (the cost of miscellaneous goods and services).

    Results and discussion

    In the metropolis of Tehran, the housing, water, fuel and lighting group of a residential house with the amount of 1.4092 has affected household welfare expenditures more than other groups in this city. Expenditures on household appliances and services are in the last place with 0.0353. In the metropolis of Mashhad, the second largest city in Iran, the group of housing, water, fuel and lighting of residential houses with the amount of 0.9202 more than other groups of household welfare expenditures in this city has been affected. The eighth group, the costs of miscellaneous goods and services, was in the third place with 0.1694. In the metropolis of Isfahan, the third largest city in the country, the housing, water, fuel and lighting of residential houses with the amount of 0.7911 has affected the welfare costs in this city more than other groups. The group of food and tobacco costs with the amount of 0.7003 after the housing group has the most impact on welfare. In the metropolis of Karaj, the fourth largest city in the country, housing, water, fuel and lighting of a residential house with the amount of 1.278 more than other groups of household welfare expenditures in this city has been affected. The group of food and tobacco costs with the rate of 0.6915 after the housing group has the most impact on welfare. In the metropolis of Shiraz, which is the fifth largest city in the country, housing, water, fuel and lighting of a residential house with the amount of 0.8599 has affected more than other groups of household welfare expenditures in this city. The group of food and tobacco costs with the rate of 0.6561 after the housing group has the most impact on welfare.


    In the metropolises of Tehran, Mashhad, Isfahan, Karaj and Shiraz, the costs of the housing sector have affected the welfare and quality of life of the family more than other sectors, and solving the housing problem of households in these metropolises is the main priority of the government.

    Keywords: Cost, welfare, Quality of life, Metropolis, Iran
  • Hamidreza Amani, Bakhtyar Ezatpanah *, Majid Shams Pages 97-118

    Currently, more than half of the world's population lives in urban areas. Yesterday's cities have become metro police and mega-police, and this has led to the emergence of various challenges and urban issues. Therefore, in the present era, the main focus of cities as the most dynamic areas of housing is sometimes to achieve development and its dimensions and components in order to deal with and reduce urban challenges and harms. Urban resilience is the extent to which cities can withstand change before being reorganized into a new set of structures and processes. Special and sensitive urban centers are among the areas that are considered as vital arteries due to the complex structure of urban life and the dependence of urban society on them, and as a result, the issue of their vulnerability and resilience is essential because any failure leads to many problems for the urban society and reduces the quality of life and ultimately failure in development goals. In the meantime, one of the approaches considered in promoting the resilience of special, vital and sensitive centers and reducing their vulnerability is passive defense. District 11 of Tehran is one of the central areas of the city, which is considered as part of the CBD and the historical, economic, administrative and medical heart due to the existence and establishment of important political, military and economic centers in the country and has become one of the special, vital and sensitive centers which consequently, plays a key role in the life of urban society. Currently, one of the challenges of urban management in the district 11 of Tehran is the issue of resilience of special, vital and sensitive centers with emphasis on passive defense criteria. Accordingly, and considering the necessity of the subject, the present study seeks to analyze the factors affecting the resilience of special, vital and sensitive centers in the district 11 of Tehran based on passive defense criteria.


    The present research is part of applied and descriptive-analytical researches in terms of purpose and method, respectively. The required information was collected through library and field methods using a questionnaire. The components of passive defense (six components) and resilience (four components) were identified according to the views of experts. Then, a questionnaire was designed, which was provided to seven experts to assess its validity and was approved. Cronbach's alpha was used for the reliability of the questionnaire, which was obtained above 0.8 for all items and was therefore acceptable. The statistical population of the present study includes experts and specialists in the field of geography and urban planning. For more effective analysis, considering the use of PLS structure equations software, the statistical sample size was estimated through Sample Power software, which is equal to 215 people. It should be noted that the working method of Sample Power software is based on latent and obvious variables and therefore the size of the statistical population has no effect on estimating the sample size. The sampling method is also simple random. SPSS software was exerted to estimate the descriptive statistics, and Smart-PLS software has been applied to analyze the collected data and discover the effect of each component of passive defense on the dependent variable of resilience.

    Results and discussion

    According to the results, all 7 factors (passive defense components) and its effect on the resilience of special, vital and sensitive centers were significant and confirmed. Based on the analyzes, location and multifunctional factors with path coefficient (impact) of 0.826, dispersion, division and displacement with 0.708, fortifications and safe structures with 0.582, access with 0.513, camouflage and deception with 0.490, concealment and cover with 0.410, and news announcement with 0.175, respectively, have the most impact on the resilience of special, vital and sensitive centers of Tehran's 11th district. The important point that can be seen in the findings is the location and multifunctionality of land uses, which was ranked first and indicates the importance of this factor in the resilience of the centers and requires special attention. Also, it became clear that the outcome of resilience of special, vital and sensitive centers is economic resilience with a coefficient of 0.819, social with a coefficient of 0.767, physical-environmental with a coefficient of 0.607 and institutional-managerial with a coefficient of 0.594.


    Looking at the current situation of district 11 of Tehran and reviewing data, statistics, figures and field observations, it can be seen that this region is facing challenges in resilience of important and sensitive centers, which the presence of worn-out textures intensifies it. Therefore, as the analysis of the findings showed, the location and multifunctional factor with an impact factor of 0.826 has the greatest impact on the resilience of sensitive, important and vital centers in the region. And it is necessary that in the first place, the relevant authorities take steps to review and reform the existing management structures in order to achieve this factor, which indicates the need to establish integrated management of institutions, both at the regional and national level.

    Keywords: resilience, Vital, sensitive special centers, Passive defense, Tehran metropolitan area 11, Smart-PLS
  • Mohsen Eslami Akandi, Maraym Ilanloo *, Leila Ebrahimi, Kia Bozorgmehr Pages 119-134

    In the present age, which is characterized by the characteristics of uncertainty, innovation and complexity of issues, the traditional planning system faces various challenges. One of the weaknesses of the common regional planning system is the lack of identification, analysis and application of key factors in regional development. The current problems have arisen from the lack of knowledge of the future, which is now called "the present”. Man has always been fascinated by discovering the future and deciphering it based on inner tension. The questions are, "How is the future predictable?" And "Will the future be a continuation of the present and the past" has been a major intellectual challenge for planners and managers so far.. The future will be achieved, but now this issue is not easily possible (Sanai et al., 2016: 36). During this period, planners in accordance with the temporal and spatial conditions, have used different approaches to deal with future issues, which are mainly based on the analysis of past trends and the continuation of the current situation. The topic of the future and its long-term knowledge is of great importance in urban and regional planning. Lack of future intelligent knowledge of planning tools and how to use them in the planning process is affected The main purpose of this study is strategic analysis of regional development capacities of Mazandaran province based on the theoretical framework of regional development in economic, social, infrastructure and managerial dimensions, natural, settlement structure and links.


      In this regard, first by measuring the internal and external environment, a list of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in these six areas for the development of the province, then by surveying experts and specialists in Mazandaran province, weigh each It became one of them. Finally, by calculating and analyzing them, the priorities were determined.

    Results and discussion

    A total of 240 strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats were identified in the province, and finally 40 points were selected as the main factors of development in Mazandaran province. In the field of economics, activities with competitive advantage and high potential of handicraft sales and the existence of neighborhood opportunities and trade exchanges to create employment are the most important points of the province's development opportunity and intermediary institutions depend on imports from other regions and the province is bordered by the sea border They are considered as a threat to the province. In the social field, the desire for progress and educated manpower and the appropriate population composition are the most important strengths of the province's development and migration and low indicators of human development and evacuation of villages are the most important weaknesses of development. The existence of a spirit of solidarity and planning of development needs are the most important points of development opportunity of the province and the lack of expansion of social services and reduction of social interactions are the most important points of threat in the province. In the field of housing, according to experts, the reduction of the first urban phenomenon is the most important strength of the province and the unsuitable structure of villages and the lack of central location of many cities are the most important weaknesses of residential development and the possibility of forming separate functional areas in the province. Uninhabited villages are the most important threat to the development of the province.In the field of infrastructure and management, improving the quality of the province's roads in the east and west and equipping the network of roads within the region and local to achieve some economic and social goals, the most important strengths of the province and the weakness of telecommunications infrastructure and services and weakness of transmission and distribution networks Electricity and lack of commercial and customs facilities and services are the most important weaknesses of the province's development. Also, the existence of port cities as the hubs of trade, transportation and maritime transit is the most important point of development opportunity of the province and lack of proper infrastructure is the most important threat point of the province. The strength of the province's development and the occurrence of floods are the most important points of the province's development weakness and the review of surface water resources management is the most important point of opportunity and increase the consequences of natural disasters.


    The objectives of this study are to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the province to determine strategies for development. The main issue of this research is that the contemporary world is an arena of dramatic changes and accelerating dynamics. The changes are so sudden and electrifying that the slightest negligence can come at the cost of a strategic surprise in all areas of politics, economics, society, and even culture. In this environment full of change and instability and full of uncertainties, the only approach and weakness that is likely to be more successful is to strive for the architecture of the future. Although this effort has always been fraught with risk, accepting this risk is far wiser than watching future developments. Hence, planners seek to identify development strategies and create the future with the aim of planning for it by basing the intellectual foundations of planning on the future research paradigm. Based on the obtained results, based on the importance of a set of effective internal and external factors, the first priority is with aggressive strategies, which indicates the existence of strengths, opportunities and development capabilities in this province.

    Keywords: Regional Development, External factors, Internal factors, Strategy, Mazandaran province
  • Gholamreza Soroushan, Parvaneh Zivyar *, Abdullah Hindiani, Ali Tavaklan Pages 135-151

    Despite the special importance of the metropolis of Tehran as the capital of the country, inappropriate management and governance practices in this metropolis has always been criticized by researchers. Despite the evolution of the management and planning systems of the world's metropolitan areas, even in developing countries; In the absence of a participatory democratic system based on powerful governance, the metropolis of Tehran that is overwhelmed by multiple activists and actors, has become a strategic, large and populated city with intertwined and disruptive barriers such as unplanned creep of activities and constructions, destruction and threatening of natural resources and the environment in the metropolitan area and its suburb, which has a growing trend. Bases on these mentioned issues, the aim of this study is answering these questions that what is the status of desirable urban governance indicators in Tehran from the residents and experts’ perspectives? Which of the following components has the greatest impact on the optimal urban governance of the study area?

    Research Methods

    The purpose of the present research is practical and its method is descriptive-analytical.  Data and information of the study collected using the library and field methods. The first statistical population of the study consists of citizens living in Tehran and experts and specialists. According to the last census conducted in 2016, the statistical population of Tehran citizens is equal to 8,679,936 people. The size of statistical sample of citizens estimated to be 384 people and for specialists estimated to be 60 people, using Cochran's formula. In this study, both descriptive analysis and inferential analysis methods were used for Statistical analysis and SPSS software was used to analyze the data.

    Discussions and findings

    The findings of this study showed that all the average values obtained for all components of urban governances were less than the theoretical average of 3. Among the components, the component of responsibility with an average of 2.71 had lowest average and the consensus component with an average of 2.76 had the highest average. The obtained average of general variable of urban governance was equal to 2.754. This average is less than the theoretical average of the research (number 3) and the difference between them is negative 0.246. The obtained level of significance was less than 0.05, so difference is significant at the 95% confidence level. The total average value of urban governance indicators, from the experts' point of view is equal to 2.23 and from the people's point of view is equal to 2.22, and the calculated significance level is equal to 0.974, so there is no significant difference between the perspective of these two groups.Based on other findings of this study, among the components of urban governance, the participation component with a path coefficient of 0.263 has the greatest impact on the implementation of urban governance and is first component of the ranking. The components of efficiency and effectiveness, the governance of rule and accountability with a path coefficient of 0.182, 0.175 and 0.172, respectively, are the second to fourth components of the ranking, and responsiveness with a path coefficient of 0.084 has the lowest level in the ranking list (eighth).


    The findings of the study showed that the status of urban governance in the metropolis of Tehran is undesirable. The average value obtained was equal to 2.754, which is less than the average limit and indicates the undesirable urban governance in Tehran. According to the views of the two groups of urban management, the results show that the implementation of urban governance is facing serious challenges. Other results of this study show the views of citizens and experts on the status of urban governance and indicate that there is no significant difference between the views of experts and the people. Awareness of the importance of participation, accountability, efficiency and effectiveness, Law-abiding, transparency of information, justice, rule of law and central consensus indicators and consensus on this can be a turning point to start moving towards the implementation of urban governance. Achieving low scores for these indicators from the perspective of two statistical groups indicates the existence of serious weaknesses in these components of urban management of Tehran metropolis. The summary of the final results of this research is that the desirable urban governance implementation in Tehran and other cities of Iran requires a serious political determination and strong will at the highest levels of government and belief in such a management model. Unless this necessity and concern becomes an internal issue for all political and executive officials, the implementation of the model of urban governance is far from Realization.

    Keywords: Urban Governance, Participation, accountability, Tehran
  • MohammadEbrahim Afifi * Pages 153-172

    Drought is one of the characteristics of the climate system that occurs every year without any warning and regardless of geographical boundaries and with economic and political differences (Niazi et al., 1396: 83). Drought is a threat in most parts of the world, including arid and semi-arid regions, and increases restrictions on agricultural production, accessible water, desertification, and the loss of natural pastures and vegetation. Iran is a vast country that has a different climate due to its special location and topographic feature (Alijani et al., 2007: 161). The average annual rainfall is about 251 mm (Eskandari et al., 1399: 116). This is less than 25% of the average annual rainfall on the planet and about 33.33 average annual rainfall on the land surface, so most of Iran is located in the arid climate of the world (Nabizadeh et al., 1397: 133). Therefore, the need for further research and study in this field in different regions of Iran in order to identify temporal and spatial changes of this climate phenomenon and provide appropriate management solutions to deal with and manage it is very necessary, but unfortunately due to the importance of less important issue Most studies in this field have been based either on limited terrestrial data or on specific time and limited areas. As a result, there is a need to develop new methods and use new remote sensing techniques and satellite imagery to assess the time and place of drought (Firoozi et al., 1398: 171).


    MODIS images were used to monitor vegetation changes in the catchment area of ​​Dorodzan Dam. The reason for using these images is long-term coverage and the possibility of accessing these images so that vegetation changes can be well followed. In this research, the drought situation in recent decades is first investigated and determined using the statistics of stations in access and near or near the catchment area of ​​Dorodzan Dam. The method of identifying droughts is using SPI method. This method is one of the most widely used techniques for estimating drought. After identifying the dry years, the vegetation surface in different years is obtained using MODIS satellite images and their extent is compared. A series of indicators were used to assess the drought situation in the region. Examples of indices used in the analysis of rainfall data in this study are the Chinese ZSI and CZI indices and the normal percentage index is the standardized precipitation index. In the tables, the intensity of drought is determined based on the results of the indices. (Roozgar et al., 2012: 6). Then, the best of these indicators is determined.

    Results and discussion

    The output chart of the drought index was prepared based on periods of 1 and 3 months for Dorodzan station and two other stations to check the accuracy and performance of work. The dry area is estimated in October 2001 according to the chart. Also, in 2004, 2010 and 2013, the months (1 and 10) have been estimated according to the one-month index of the arid region. Paying attention to the value of the standard precipitation index tables shows the value close to zero as close to normal and normal situation in each region, and the higher the number of negative numbers, the higher the drought intensity is estimated.Based on the standard precipitation index (SPI), the drought threshold can be determined for each time period. Therefore, based on this index, in addition to calculating the severity of drought, we can also determine its duration. The standardized precipitation index is based on the probability of precipitation for each time period and is very important for early warning and drought monitoring.
    According to the results obtained from indicators and graphs during the statistical period in general and in all three stations in 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007 and 2013, the dry period has been estimated that the results show The basin typically has moderate to severe droughts, and satellite imagery was obtained to calculate the NDVI index during these years for three months (October, August, September, and January).Correlation test between meteorological and vegetation indices was taken during the statistical period for dry and wet years. According to the results, the NDVI index value for each station for the short period of one month has shown the highest response and shows a high correlation value at the level of 95%. According to the statistical results, the vegetation index has the highest correlation with Dorodzan station in relation to drought and climate changes and in 2001 to 2014 for both dry periods in the years (2001, 2003, 2005, 2007 and 2013) and for The wet year in 2009 and 2014 was above 0.8 and this was due to the high correlation and high impact of rainfall in dry and wet periods on vegetation in the region.


    A closer look at the Dorodzan station in 2001, 2003, and 2005 in the dry season according to the table of impact values ​​was very high and the correlation value was above 0.9. Also, in the wet season of 2009, the index value is higher than in 2014, when the wet season occurred, and the high value in this year also shows that the wet season also had a positive effect on vegetation in the region. But previously it was said that two other stations were used for accuracy. Shiraz station was closer to Eghlid. It is equal to 0.925 and in 2014 for the wet period shows the value of 0.981. However, Eghlid station, which is further away from Shiraz station than the basin, has a one-month standard rainfall index and in 2009 and 2014 for the wet season of the region shows a value above 0.9, which is due to the strong effect of average rainfall. It occurs monthly during the growing and maintenance period of the region's vegetation, and in 2007 shows a high correlation with the rest for the dry period. The practical conclusion of this study is: Drought causes damage to agricultural and agricultural sectors, so it is better to prevent the expansion of orchards in areas with low rainfall and lake shores. Use satellite imagery Use other sensors to increase the accuracy of the changes.

    Keywords: NDVI, SPIT, MODIS, Dorodzan